Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why So Misplaced, You Ask?

This is something new I've decided to try. I've been journaling for some time and decided that perhaps my ideas are worth posting from time to time.

As a graduate student of history I often feel that I am misplaced in this current age. I sit with friends and they break out their iPhones and iPads and drool over the technological gadgets of the others and I don't get. I get the need for a cell phone and I get the need for a laptop, but I don't know why you need to carry your laptop with you in mini-form. I have a great appreciation for old items, such as art, books, films, and other antiques. The availability of one to pull up a book on an electronic gizmo lessens the effort the author put into creating every word, the ideas inherent not only in the words on the page, but in their reception. Additionally, the fact that people worship these pieces of technology and have never heard of Gericault, David, Delacroix, and Carravaggio is absurd. I just really don't understand. I truly feel as though I am misplaced in this time.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Just popping in to say hi, and wish you luck with both grad school and the new blog!
